Category Archives: Blog

April Is Autism Awareness Month

April is Autism Awareness Month. Autism is a medical term for a large umbrella of brain disorders encompassing a wide range of disability from very mild high functioning to severely disabled.  Some or all of the areas shown below can be affected in different ways. Autism is a genetic neurological condition that you are born with, and is not the result of bad parenting, diet, overstimulation, or any other outside influences. Learn more at the Autism Speaks website.


This graphic comes from Iain Carstairs blog: Science and Religion, in an article entitled Atheism and Autism. It’s a fascinating read, and you can find a much larger version of  this graphic in the article (this was the best I could pull off).

NBC Rock Center Segment On Adult ADHD.

Last night Rock Center on NBC had a great report on Adult ADHD. They offered a lot of really important information on ADHD including proof that ADHD is a genetic condition in the brain. Definitely worth watching! NBC Rock Center

Also check out our interview with Dr. Oren Mason, who shares his own story about living with undiagnosed ADHD (he went through medical school and many years of private practice with it) and how he now specializes in treating ADHD.

Special Parents Confidential Is Now On iTunes!

Just got the word that Special Parents Confidential is now available on iTunes! To add us to your iTunes account, simply click the iTunes button on the right under “Follow Us”. Or click here.

Don’t forget to also follow us on your favorite Social Media site, by clicking the button(s) for which ever one you prefer! We’re on Facebook, Google Plus, Twitter, and LinkedIn.  Thanks for your support and please remember to share our podcast with everyone you know!

We’re recording more interviews this week and over the next few weeks as well. Keep checking back for more information and updates.